Please click on the name of division/unit for its functions and duties :-
Chief Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical) / Maintenance
Mr. LAU Chin Hung (Tel. No. : 2634 3630)
Senior Engineer (Mechanical & Electrical) / Administration
Mr. IP Wing Cheong (Tel. No. : 2829 4396)
Team Leader / Projects
Mr. LEE Tai On (Tel No.: 2634 3562)
Principal Functions and Duties :
Senior Engineer / Safety
Mr. KO Ka Kit, Kennet (Tel. No. : 2829 4565)
Senior Engineer / Information Technology
Mr. LO Leung Shing (Tel. No. : 2829 4427)
Chief Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical) / Sustainability
Mr. YIP Pui Lam (Tel No.: 2634 3700)
Overseeing all major renewable energy and energy savings projects, and monitoring the energy consumption and emission performance of the Department
Providing technical support, workshop and testing services for water meter and formulating its procurement and replacement strategy
Enhancing research and technical development, and providing M&E technical support services on cross-functional research and development projects of the Department