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Reclaimed Water Supply to Sheung Shui and Fanling

Project Scope

  1. construction of Shek Wu Hui water reclamation plant (SWHWRP) with a production capacity of up to 73 000 cubic metres (m3) per day;
  2. laying of about 1.2 kilometres (km) of pumping mains with a diameter of 600 millimetres (mm) connecting the proposed SWHWRP and the Table Hill reclaimed water service reservoir;
  3. laying of about 24.1 km of distribution mains with diameters ranging from 150 mm to 450 mm in the northeastern part of Sheung Shui and Fanling (SSF) areas and associated water main connection works; and
  4. associated works including environmental mitigation works, landscaping works and other engineering works.

Approved Project Estimate

$1,255.5 million

Construction Commencement Date

July 2021

Estimated Construction Completion Date

Fourth quarter of 2026

Current Progress

Construction is in progress

Project Office in WSD

Project Management Division


Binnies Hong Kong limited


Contract No. 3/WSD/20 - Reclaimed Water Supply to Sheung Shui and Fanling

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