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Total Water Management Strategy

Total Water Management Strategy

The Total Water Management Strategy promulgated by the Water Supplies Department in 2008 has mapped out the strategy for sustainable use of water to ensure water security and support the development in Hong Kong. The Strategy puts an emphasis on containing the growth of water demand through promoting water conservation and exploiting new water resources.

The Strategy focuses on two major areas, namely water demand management and water supply management. The major initiatives are enhancing public education on water conservation, promoting the use of water-saving devices, enhancing water leakage control, extending the use of seawater for toilet flushing, strengthening the protection of water resources and actively exploiting new water resources.

Strategy ReviewNew

We completed a review (The Review) on the Strategy in 2019. The Review confirmed that major initiatives in both water demand and water supply management under the Strategy have achieved their respective milestones. The Review updated the forecast of water demand and supply methodologies and projections up to 2040 taking into account impacts of climate change. After evaluation of water management options using multiple criteria (viz. resilience, economics and sustainability), the updated Strategy (namely Strategy 2019) adopts a two-pronged approach, with emphasis on containing fresh water demand growth and building resilience in the fresh water supply catering for extreme effects of climate change with diversified water resources. The key initiatives of containing fresh water demand include further promotion of water conservation, water loss management and expansion of use of lower grade water for non-potable purposes. It is anticipated that with implementation of the updated water demand management initiatives, the annual fresh water consumption will be maintained at around current level. The construction of the first stage of the desalination plant in Tseung Kwan O is the measure to build resilience in fresh water supply. In summary, with the implementation of the water demand management initiatives, the projected reliable fresh water supply of the current water supply arrangement will be able to meet the forecast fresh water demand up to 2040 and enhanced with resilience. Moreover, the Review also considered a list of backup options in case of worse-than-expected scenarios. In face of unpredictable impacts of climate change and any unforeseen circumstances, we will continuously monitor the water demand and supply situation. The Government invites the public to join hands with us in implementing Total Water Management to ensure sustainable use of precious water resources in Hong Kong.  Please visit the website for the review outcome of the Strategy:

Total Water Management Strategy 2019