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Enhancement Measures for Processing Applications for Water Supplies

The procedures of applying for water supply generally include three stages: 

  1. To submit plumbing proposals to the Water Authority (WA)
  2. To apply for the permission of the WA to commence the approved plumbing works
  3. To apply for the WA’s inspection and approval of the completed plumbing works.
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In view of a large number of different types of application for water supply every year, WSD has been working closely with the plumbing trade industry to enhance the procedures in Application for Water Supply. The requirements of the Water Authority will be reviewed regularly and some specific enhancement measures have been developed to facilitate submission of particular types of water supply application.

Overall Measures

Application for New Buildings

Application for Village Houses

Application for Catering Business, Barber & Beauty shops, Laundries and Essential Utility Installation

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Application for Temporary Water Supply for a Construction Supply