The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Development visited Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works (WTW) in Yuen Long on 6 October 2017 to better understand the latest technology of disinfection of drinking water as well as the operation of the on-site chlorine generation facility in the WTW.
Members first received a briefing by representatives of the Water Supplies Department (WSD) on the disinfection facilities of drinking water in Ngau Tam Mei WTW. Members learnt that WSD launched a pilot project on on-site generation of chlorine in the WTW last year and carried out a trial in March 2017.
Members then visited the chlorine generation plant set up under the pilot project. Members took the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the operation of the chlorine generation facility and the safety measures taken by WSD on generating chlorine gas.
The LegCo Panel on Development discussed and supported a funding proposal of WSD at the meeting on 28 March 2017 for installing chlorine generation facilities in 11 major WTWs and Tai Lam Chung No.2 Chlorination Station. The liquid chlorine imported from Guangdong Province being used for disinfection will be substituted by the chlorine gas generated by the WTWs. The risk of leakage associated with the transportation and storage of liquid chlorine will therefore be eliminated and the safety of the disinfection operation will be enhanced.