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Advisory Board on Licensing of Plumbers

Under Reg. 32A of Waterworks Regulations, the Licensing Authority shall consult the Advisory Board on Licensing of Plumbers (the Board) in exercising his functions in respect of licensing of plumbers.

To enhance the composition and the representativeness of the Board, the Water Authority expanded the Board’s membership from 4 to 14 members in August 2015 and further expanded to 16 members and 17 members in August 2017 and August 2019 respectively, appointing a number of professionals, government officials and representatives from the following sectors, namely plumbing industry, contractors, property management and training institutions, into the Board.

Please click here for the list of current members of the Board.

Terms of Reference

To advise the Licensing Authority in exercising his functions under Part 5 of the Waterworks Regulations including:


Membership Category Name
Chairperson Sr. HO Kui Yip, Vincent, MH, JP
Professional Ir. TANG Ming Sum, Michelle
Mr. HO Man Yiu, Ivan
Sr. CHANG Wai Ip, Daniel
Training Institution Mr. TANG Wai Yin, Paco
Plumbing Trade Ir. LAU Lee Nin, David
Mr. WONG Loi Fat, Simon
Ir. HUI Chi Hang
Ms. LIU Ping Ching, Sylvia
Mr. LEE Wai Kwong
Mr. POON Wai Yee
Mr. WONG Ping Fai
Main Contractor Mr. LEE Chi Kin, Vincent
Property Management Mr. TAM Kwok Wing, Ivan
Official Member Representative of the Buildings Department
Representative of the Fire Services Department
Representative of the Water Supplies Department
Secretary Senior Engineer/ Technical Support (1), Water Supplies Department

Terms of Appointment: 2 years (from 17 August 2023 - 16 August 2025)


Secretary: SE/ TS(1)
Address: Room 4601F, 46/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel. No.: 2829 4415
Fax No.: 2520 3256