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WSD Customer Liaison Group

The WSD Customer Liaison Group (CLG) was formed in July 1993. As an utility committed to providing high quality, reliable, efficient and cost effective service to the public, we are always ready to listen to comments and suggestions from our customers. The CLG was formed with the objective of providing a regular venue for better communication with our customers on their needs and their expectation of standard of service that we provide, and to solicit suggestions and comments for improving the quality of our service.

The Group holds its meetings at regular interval during which many constructive views and suggestions were put forward by the members. We look at these views and suggestions seriously with a view to further enhancing the quality of our service where practicable. The meeting also gives us an opportunity to explain to our customers face to face different facets of the various services that we provide. 

CLG Revamp

To facilitate in-depth communication with the customer and invite more members of the public from different aspects of the society to join us, a CLG revamp programme is conducted in 2017. Under the revamped CLG, number of seats is increased from thirty to thirty-five. Representatives of residential customers are randomly selected from the public and private residential housings in 18 districts in Hong Kong. They include representatives from Incorporated Owners, Owners’ Committees, other resident’s organisations, Hong Kong Housing Society, and the representatives recommended by Housing Department. Representatives of non-residential customers are selected from different trade associations, clubhouses/organizations, commercial office users or property management companies. One member shall be invited from Government Property Agency.

Furthermore, the term of service for CLG members is also changed from a choice of one or two years to a fixed term of two years. Six meetings or activities will be held in each term. Visits to various waterworks facilities or installations, e.g. Water Treatment Works, Water Resources Education Centre and Meter Testing Laboratory will also be arranged for the members.

The CLG is chaired by the Deputy Director of Water Supplies Department. Staff from different Branches and Divisions of WSD are co-opted by the Chairman to attend the meetings from time to time in order to brief the members on specific topics of interest.

WSD Customer Liaison Group List of members