The Grey Water Treatment Plant project of the Water Supplies Department (WSD) for Development of Anderson Road Quarry Site was awarded the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Award 2021 - Chris Binnie Award for Sustainable Water Management by the ICE of the United Kingdom on October 15 2021, London time.
The award recognises WSD’s excellence work in further improving the sustainability of water for the benefit of Hong Kong. The project was selected for its benefits, value of money, sustainability and highly applicable to new dense high-rise developments in Hong Kong.
Water collected from baths, showers, wash basins and kitchen sinks is known as grey water. The proposed grey water treatment plant forms part of the district-based grey water recycling system at the Anderson Road Quarry site, which will treat grey water collected from end users within the development for flushing use. The plant will have a treatment capacity of 3, 300 cubic metres per day. Its construction commenced in September 2020 for completion in end 2023.
To ensure the long-term sustainability of Hong Kong’s water supply, the WSD will continue to expand the network coverage of lower grade water to other new development areas and areas still being supplied with fresh water for flushing and other non-potable purposes to save the precious fresh water resources.