水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

部門總覽 Corporate Profile 穩定而優質的供水,對本港居民的生活 Reliable and quality water supplies are indispensable to the lives 不可或缺,同時亦是支持本港可持續發展 and livelihoods of the people in Hong Kong, and are critical for 的關鍵要素。香港特別行政區政府水務署 supporting the territory’s sustainable development. The Water 的職責是維持供水可靠優質。 Supplies Department (WSD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government is charged with the responsibility of maintaining reliable and quality water supplies. 本港 17 個水塘集水區收集的本地雨水約佔 Approximately 20%to 30%of Hong Kong’s freshwater supply comes 香港總食水用量 20% 至 30% ,餘下部分的 from the local yield collected in catchment areas of the territory’s 17 原水由廣東省的東江輸入,兩者均經過 impounding reservoirs while the remaining raw water comes from 嚴格處理及監測,確保食水水質符合香港 Dongjiang in the Guangdong Province. Both the local yield and 食水標準。此外,自一九五零年代以來, imported Dongjiang water are subject to stringent treatment and 我們充分利用香港近海的地理優勢,將 monitoring to ensure that the quality of treated water meets the 海水用作沖廁用途。食水及海水由兩個 Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards. Moreover, since the 1950s, 完全獨立的供水系統供應,透過龐大的 we have taken full advantage of Hong Kong’s geographic proximity 配水庫和水管網絡,配送至各家各戶及 to the ocean to adopt salt water for flushing purposes. Fresh water 商用物業。 and salt water are supplied through two entirely separate supply systems. Our extensive array of service reservoirs and water mains provide these supplies for distribution to homes and commercial developments. 為確保香港供水穩健及具應變能力,我們 To ensure the sustainability and resilience of Hong Kong’s water 繼續妥善管理水務資產以維持其健康 supplies, we continue to manage our asset to sustain their health 狀況,以及透過海水化淡及中水重用等 and develop new sources of water including desalination and 技術開拓新水源,進一步提升香港的供水 recycled water. These additional sources of water will give Hong 保障及應對氣候變化的能力。 Kong enhanced water security and the ability to adapt to climate change. 作為香港最大的能源用戶之一,我們已 As one of the city’s largest energy consumers, we have implemented 實 施相關措施,透過應用創新科技、 measures to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible by 開發可再生能源及提升能源效益,致力 adopting innovation and technology, developing renewable energy 減少碳足跡。我們亦是香港特區政府首個 and enhancing energy efficiency. We are the first Hong Kong SAR 獲得 ISO 50001:2011 能源管理系統認證的 Government department to obtain the ISO 50001:2011 Energy 部門。 Management System certification. 我們的抱負是滿足客戶對優質供水服務的 Our vision is to excel in meeting our customers’ needs for quality 需求。為此,我們的人員致力與持份者 water services. With this in mind, our committed workforce has 合作及提供以客為本的服務,確保客戶 collaborated with stakeholders and adopted a customer-oriented 獲得最具效率及優質的服務。 approach to ensure that our customers receive the most efficient and high-quality services. 10 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 關於我們 Our Profile