水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

9. 承擔 於二零二一年三月三十一日及二零二零年三月 三十一日,未於經營帳目作出撥備的未償還承 擔如下: 9. Commitments Outstanding commitments as of 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2020 not provided for in the operating accounts were as follows: 2021 ( 百萬元 ) $M 2020 ( 百萬元 ) $M (i) 基本工程項目、物業、機器及 設備以及非經常資助金 (i) Capital works projects, property, plant and equipment and capital subvention 26,619.7 19,108.5 (ii) 非經常性開支 (ii) Non-recurrent expenditure - - (iii) 投資 (iii) Investments - - (iv) 貸款及非經常性撥款補助金 (iv) Loans and non-recurrent grants - - 三月三十一日結餘 Balance as of 31 March 26,619.7 19,108.5 財務及水費 Finance and Water Charges WSD Annual Report 2020/21 103