水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

數據一覽 Data Summary 全港人口及獲食水供應人口 POPULATION IN HONG KONG AND POPULATION SERVED WITH FRESH WATER 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 全港人口 * Population in Hong Kong* (百萬 million ) 7.34 7.39 7.45 7.51 7.48 獲食水供應人口 Population Served with Fresh Water (百萬 million ) 7.34 # 7.39 # 7.45 # 7.51 # 7.48 # * 根據政府統計處公佈的年中人口數字。 Based on the mid-year population figures released by the Census and Statistics Department. # 全港超過 99.9% 人口獲食水供應。 Over 99.9% of the population in Hong Kong is served with fresh water. 全年食水用量 Annual Fresh Water Consumption (百萬立方米 million m 3 ) 人均用水量 * Per Capita Consumption* (立方米 /每年 m 3 per year ) 2016 987 135 2017 980 133 2018 1 103 136 2019 996 133 2020 1027 137 全年食水用量及人均用水量 ANNUAL FRESH WATER CONSUMPTION AND PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION 數據一覽 Data Summary 104 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報