水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

由水資源及水質管理、水務基礎設施策劃 及建造,以至水務資產管理和運作,我們 致力採用更具智慧及策略性的方式,並 利用嶄新科技及凝聚廣大持份者的支持, 以不斷提升本港供水的可持續性、可靠性 和應變能力。 From water resources and water quality management, waterworks infrastructure planning and construction, towaterworks asset management and operations, we strive to adopt a smarter and more strategic approach, and leverage the latest technologies and robust stakeholder support for continuous improvement in the sustainability, reliability and resilience of Hong Kong ’ s water supplies. 邁向可持續且具應變力的未來 Striding towards a sustainable and resilient future