水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Total Water Management 全 面 水 資 源 管 理 氣候變化和水資源預測推算 Climate Change and Water Forecast Projections 是次檢討,將氣候變化的極端影響納入 Taking into account the extreme impacts of climate change, 考量,並更新了至二零四零年用水需求和 the Review updated the forecast of water demand and supply 供應的預測方法及推算。用水需求推算是以 methodologies and projections up to 2040. The water demand 政府統計處的基線人口作為估算基礎,按 projection was estimated based on the baseline population 預期的人口增長推算,在不採取任何用水 projection provided by the Census and Statistics Department. Under 需求管理措施的情況下,香港於二零四零年 the expected population growth scenario, the annual fresh water 的每年食水需求估計將增至 11.1 億立方米。 demand is projected to increase to 1 110 million m 3 in 2040, in the absence of water demand management measures. 參與檢討「策略」的國際專家評估了目前的 供水安排,並考量氣候變化導致每年降雨量 減少的情況,認為在實施用水需求管理措施 以減低需求至 9.9 億立方米的情況下,現時 食水供應的安排足以應付至二零四零年的 預測需求。 Having assessed the current arrangements taken into consideration the annual rainfall reductions due to climate change, the international experts confirmed that with the implementation of water demand management measures to reduce the demand to 990 million m 3 , the current fresh water supply arrangements will be able to meet the forecast demand up to 2040. 至二零四零年之全年食水需求推算 Annual Fresh Water Demand Projection by 2040 1 110 百萬立方米 million m 3 990 百萬立方米 million m 3 沒有用水需求管理措施的情況下: Without demand management measures: 實施用水需求管理措施的情況下: With demand management measures: 同心合力控制用水需求以確保 Containing water demand together to ensure that 現時食水供應安排能應付預測需求至 2040 年 existing fresh water supply arrangements can meet projected demand up to 2040 WSD Annual Report 2020/21 19