水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

雙管齊下 A Two-Pronged Approach 於是次檢討中,我們針對應變能力、經濟 因素及可持續性三項準則評估各項水資源 管理方案,並同時徵詢了水務諮詢委員會 和其他持份者的意見,以修訂「全面水 資源管理策略 2019 」(「策略 2019 」)。修訂 後之「策略 2019 」採取雙管齊下的方式, 著重控制食水需求增長,以及利用多元化 的水資源提升食水供應的應變能力。控制 食水需求的主要措施包括加強節約用水 宣傳、管理用水流失和擴大使用次階水作 非飲用用途。有關詳情,請參閱 「控制 食水需求增長」 。 除了管理食水需求外,我們亦透過利用 新的水資源——淡化海水,在提升供水 應變能力方面取得重大進展。淡化海水是 一種不受氣候變化影響的策略性水資源。 將軍澳海水化淡廠第一階段工程已展開, 該廠採用最新的逆滲透技術生產食水。 設施落成後,預計能應付香港約 5% 的 食水需求。相關詳情請參閱 「海水化淡」 章節。 In the Review, we have also evaluated water management options using multiple criteria of resilience, economics and sustainability and updated the Total Water Management Strategy (Strategy 2019) to adopt a two-pronged approach which has taken account of the views from the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies and other stakeholders. The updated approach places emphasis on containing fresh water demand growth and building resilience in the fresh water supply with diversified water resources. The key initiatives of containing fresh water demand include strengthening promotion of water conservation, managing water loss and expanding the use of lower grade water for non-potable purposes. See Containing Fresh Water Demand Growth for more details. Aside from managing fresh water demands, we are making great strides in building resilience in water supply by utilising new water resources – desalinated water, which is a strategic water resource not susceptible to the effects of climate change. We have commenced the construction of the first stage of “Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant” which uses the latest reverse osmosis technology to produce fresh water. Upon completion, it is estimated to meet around five per cent of Hong Kong’s total fresh water consumption. See Seawater Desalination for more details. 持續監測和檢討 Continuous Monitoring and Review 為確保我們能夠應對比預期更嚴峻的情況, To ensure our ability to adapt to worse-than-expected scenarios, 我們制定了一系列後備方案。其中包括興建 a host of backup measures have been formulated. These include 更多海水化淡設施、擴大水塘容量和集水 building up more desalination capacities, expanding our reservoir 區、重啟已停用的濾水廠,以及增加東江水 capacity and catchment, reactivating mothballed water treatment 供應。若未來情況與目前的估算有偏差, works and increasing Dongjiang water supply. If the future conditions 我們可以按需要執行合適的後備方案。 deviate from our present projections, we can implement appropriate backup measures as necessary. 我們亦會定期檢討並修訂「策略 2019 」, We will conduct regular review of the “Strategy 2019” and update 以適時應對用水需求變化、氣候變化對本 it as needed to make appropriate and timely responses to changes 地集水的影響,及各種水資源的成本效 arising from water demand, the effect of climate change on the local 益、相關科技發展、可靠性及對環境的影響 yield; as well as the cost-effectiveness, technological development, 等。 reliability and environmental impact of various water resources. 20 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management