水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Total Water Management 全 面 水 資 源 管 理 現有水資源 EXISTING WATER RESOURCES 多年來,香港一直享有穩定的供水。香港 Over the years, Hong Kong has enjoyed a reliable water supply. 水資源的三大來源為本地集水區的雨水、 Hong Kong’s water resources comprise three sources: Rainwater from 由廣東輸入的東江水及沖廁用海水。 local catchments, imported water from Dongjiang in the Guangdong Province, and salt water for toilet flushing. 總計 1 345 百萬立方米 Total million m 3 二零二零年按用水類別劃分的食水用量 Annual Fresh Water Consumption by Sector 2020 二零二零年全港總用水量 Total Water Consumption of Hong Kong in 2020 用水類別 Sector 食水用量 Fresh Water Consumption 百萬立方米及佔總用量百分比 million m 3 and percent of total 住宅用水 Domestic 626 (61.0%) 工業用水 Industrial 53 (5.2%) 服務業及商業用水 Service Trades 222 (21.6%) 政府用水 Government Establishments 44 (4.3%) 建築及船舶用水 Construction & Shipping 19 (1.8%) 臨時淡水沖廁 Flushing 63 (6.1%) 食水總用量 Total Fresh Water Consumption 1 027 (100%) 本地集水 Local yield 東江水 Dongjiang water 沖廁用海水 Salt water for flushing 17% 24% 59% 氣候變化、人口和經濟持續增長令食水 To better prepare Hong Kong for the challenges of climate change, 需求增加,以及珠江三角洲地區對水資源 the increasing demand for fresh water due to continuous population 的競逐等,皆為我們帶來挑戰。為了讓 and economic growth, as well as the competition for water resources 香港就迎接這些挑戰做好準備,我們持續 in the Pearl River Delta region, we have been developing new 開發一些不受氣候變化影響的新水源, water sources that are not susceptible to climate change, including 包括淡化海水和循環再用水(即再造水、 desalinated water and recycled water (viz reclaimed water, treated 重用中水及回收雨水)。 grey water and harvested rainwater). WSD Annual Report 2020/21 21