水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Total Water Management 全 面 水 資 源 管 理 Following the Strategy Review in 2019, containing the growth of fresh water demand plays a pivotal role in water demand management. In line with the territory’s sustainable development, the Government targets to reduce the average fresh water per capita consumption by 10% by 2030 at the earliest, using 2016 as the base year, as pledged in the Chief Executive’s Policy Agenda in 2017 and 2018. To achieve this goal, we are taking forward three major water demand management initiatives, namely water conservation, water loss management, and expansion of use of lower-grade water for non-potable uses. 根據「策略 2019 」,控制食水需求增長 在水資源需求管理中是非常重要的一環。 為配合本港的可持續發展,政府將根據 二零一七年及二零一八年的《施政綱領》 中的承諾,最早於二零三零年達致人均 食水用量減少 10% 的目標(以二零一六年 為基準年)。為達成這個目標,我們正 推行三項主要用水需求管理措施,包括 節約用水、管理用水流失,以及擴大使用 次階水作非飲用用途。 To reach out to the wider community and enhance their knowledge of water resources and the importance of water conservation, we opened the “H 2 OPE Centre”, the new Water Resources Education Centre at our Tin Shui Wai Office Building in December 2019. During the year, we collaborated with the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage to hold a themed exhibition titled “Water Exhibition” from October 2020 to April 2021. Through the exhibition, visitors could evoke the old and difficult days of water scarcity which occurred in the 1960s for a better understanding about the future water challenges and urgency for today’s actions against water scarcity. As of March 2021, H 2 OPE Centre has received about 13 000 visitors* despite the impact of COVID-19 epidemic. * The H 2 OPE Centre was temporarily closed for approximately 220 days from its opening in December 2019 to March 2021 due to COVID-19 epidemic. 為接觸更多公眾人士,提高他們對水資源的 認識和節約用水的重要性,我們於二零一九 年十二月於天水圍辦公大樓開設全新的水資 源教育中心-「水知園」。二零二零年十月 至二零二一年四月期間,我們與長春社 文化古蹟資源中心合辦名為「水展」的專題 展覽,藉此喚起參觀者對一九六零年代水 資源匱乏的艱難歲月,從中了解有關未來 水資源的挑戰,及採取即時行動以應對水資 源短缺的迫切性。儘管受到二零一九冠狀 病毒病疫情的影響,截至二零二一年三月, 「水知園」已接待約 13 000 名訪客 * 。 * 鑑於二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情,水知園由二零一九年十二月 開幕至二零二一年三月期間暫停開放約220天。 控制食水需求增長 CONTAINING FRESH WATER DEMAND GROWTH 節約用水 Water Conservation 節約和精明用水,有助保障長遠供水。 Conserving water and using water wisely help secure our water 其 成功的關鍵在於業界和社會大眾的 supply for the long term. The success of such lies in the collaborative 共 同努力和貢獻。有見及此,我們與 efforts and contributions from both industries and the wider 相關持份者緊密合作,推出多項用水效益 community. With this in mind, we are working closely with relevant 措施、宣傳活動、學校教育計劃,以及 stakeholders and have launched various water-efficiency measures, 用水效益最佳實務指引,致力推動文化和 promotional campaigns, school education programmes, as well as 行為的改變,共同應對水資源的挑戰。 best practice guidelines aiming to inspire cultural and behaviour changes to address our water challenges together. 水知園教育中心 H 2 OPE Centre WSD Annual Report 2020/21 25