水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

水知園設有十二個展區,五十多個互動展品和遊戲,提供 各種與水有關的資訊,從水資源、食水水質、節約用水和 循環再用水、水務工程、用水效益,以至可持續發展措施, 內容包羅萬有。 The H 2 OPE Centre has 12 exhibition zones with over 50 interactive exhibits and games to provide various water-related information. These range from water resources, drinking water quality, water conservation and recycling, waterworks projects, water efficiency to sustainability initiatives. 我們與長春社文化古蹟資源中心合作舉辦「水展」,讓公眾了解未來水資源的挑戰,以及採取即時行動以應對水資源短缺的迫切性。 Collaborated with the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, we held the “ Water Exhibition ” to educate the public about the future water challenges and urgency for today's actions against water scarcity. 26 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management