水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Best Practice Guidelines To enhance water use efficiency across industries thereby reducing non-domestic water consumption, we have developed a set of Best Practice Guidelines to the industry practitioners taking reference of the experiences of international best practices. We are collaborating with hotel and catering associations to promote water use efficiency in different aspects of their operations, including facilities maintenance, hospitality service, kitchen and dining area operations, swimming pools and landscape management. We also encourage organisations to raise awareness and participation from their employees and customers on water conservation with a view to gathering greater contributions from various stakeholders. 用水效益最佳實務指引 為了提高各行各業的用水效益,減少非住宅 用戶用水量,我們制訂了用水效益最佳實務 指引,以供業界參考國際最佳實踐經驗。 我們正與酒店和餐飲業的協會合作,力求 在營運的不同方面提升用水效益,包括設施 保養、酒店服務、廚房和樓面運作、泳池和 園景管理。 我們亦鼓勵機構提高員工和客戶對節約 用水的認識和參與,凝聚各界持份者作出 更大的貢獻。 用水效益最佳實務指引 Best Practice Guidelines 飲食業節約用水貼紙 Stickers on “WATER SAVING TIPS FOR CATERING INDUSTRY” 28 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management