水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

• 以最符合成本效益的方式為客戶提供可靠充足的優質食水及海水。 To provide a reliable and adequate supply of wholesome potable water and sea water to our customers in the most cost-effective way. • 提供以客戶為本的服務。 To adopt a customer-oriented approach in our services. • 維持及激勵一支能幹、高效率及完全投入的工作隊伍,以服務社群。 To maintain and motivate an effective, efficient and committed workforce to serve the community. • 時刻關注對保護環境方面須負的責任。 To remain conscious of our responsibilities towards the environment. • 善用資源和科技,力求不斷改善服務。 To make the best use of resources and technology in our striving for continuous improvement in services. 抱負 Vision 在滿足客戶對優質供水服務的需求,務求有卓越之表現。 To excel in satisfying customers’ needs for the provision of quality water services. 以客為本 C ustomer satisfaction 確保質量 R eliability 重視環保 E nvironmental awareness 竭盡所能 D edication 精益求精 I mprovement 同心協力 T eamwork 使命 Mission Values 信念