水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

推動精明的用水文化 Promoting Water-Wise Culture 我們相信,以針對性方法與持份者緊密 We believe a targeted approach in close collaboration with 合作來宣揚精明用水生活和貫徹惜水的 stakeholders in promoting water-wise living and sustaining 行為,才能在控制食水需求增長方面, water-cherishing behavior is the key to effect positive changes in 產生積極的變化。「共融啟智」章節載有 containing the growth of fresh water demand. The details of the 水務署與社區合作推廣節約用水和精明 WSD’s collaborative efforts with the community to promote water 用水文化的詳情。 conservation and water-wise culture are covered in the Community Wise Section. 管理用水流失 Water Loss Management 香港的山丘地形,加上頻密的道路工程、 The hilly terrain as well as various disturbances to underground water 繁忙的交通,以及擠迫的地下公用設施, mains in Hong Kong due to frequent roadworks, busy traffic and 對地下水管造成各種干擾,導致水管滲漏 congested underground utilities have caused higher risk of leakage 的風險提高。為此,我們以全面的方式 from water mains. To this end, we adopt a holistic approach in 管理逾 8 300 公里的水管,並實施了一系 managing over 8 300km of our water mains, and have implemented 列措施以減少用水流失。 a host of measures to cut down water loss. 「智管網」 Water Intelligent Network 在「智管網」計劃下,我們將於二零二四年 Under the project “Water Intelligent Network” (WIN), we have been 前,在全港食水分配管網逐步設立監測 progressively establishing District Metering Areas (DMAs) in our fresh 區域,以監察用水流失的情況。「智管網」 water distribution network across the territory by 2024 to monitor 將香港的食水分配管網分為約 2 4 0 0 個 water loss. The WIN divides Hong Kong's fresh water distribution 監測區域,其中部份監測區域並將用作水壓 networks into about 2 400 DMAs. Some of these DMAs are also 管理區域,配有減壓裝置,將水壓調節到 designated as Pressure Management Areas (PMAs) and equipped 合適水平,以減少滲漏引致的用水流失。 with pressure reduction devices that can modulate water pressure to 截至二零二零年底,我們已設立約 1 440 個 a suitable level to reduce the quantity of water loss due to leakage. 監測區域。每個監測區域均裝有監測設備 As at end 2020, we have set up about 1 440 DMAs. Monitoring and 和感應器,以監測區域內用水流失的情況。 sensing equipment will be installed in each DMA to monitor water loss therein. 全新推出的「智能管網管理電腦系統」會 The newly introduced “Water Intelligent Network Management 協助收集各監測區域大量的管網數據, System” assists in collecting vast amount of data from these DMAs, 識別異常情況,並對需要跟進的監測區域 identifying anomalies and prioritising areas for follow-up actions 進行排序,從而決定最合適和最有效的 with the objective to determining the most suitable and effective 管網管理措施。這些措施包括: network management measures. These measures include: 主動探測滲漏; active leakage detection; 水壓管理; pressure management; 快速維修滲漏水管;及 quality and speedy repair of water main leaks; and 更換及修復水管。 replacement and rehabilitation of water mains. 30 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management