水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

水務署發展(一)部水管測漏組總水務督察 李達斌先生 Mr LI Tat-pun - Chief Waterworks Inspector of Leak Detection Unit, Development (1) Division, WSD 課程旨在提高從業員在測漏工作方面的技能和質素。從業員和有關業界能透過參加本課程接受 實習訓練,學習使用各種最新的測漏儀器,及多種地下水管測漏和滲漏點定位的方法。我們相信 透過參加此課程,從業員能提供既有效又高效率的測漏工作,將有助及時定位和修復滲漏喉管, 減少政府供水管網和私人處所的地下水管的用水流失。 Practitioners and relevant sectors will receive practical training in the use of various and latest leak detection equipment and methods to detect and locate water leaks at underground water mains through participating in this course. The course aims at enhancing their skill and quality of leak detection work. Through this course, we believe that practitioners can become more effective and efficient in leak detection, facilitating timely locating and repairing the leak points. This will help reduce water loss in underground water mains within both government networks and private premises. 專題故事 Feature Story 加強相關從業員的知識和能力是處理用水 Enhancing knowledge and capability of practitioners is the key to 流失的關鍵。為提升從業員的監測滲漏 tackling water loss. To raise the quality of monitoring water leakage 質素和專業技能,水務署一直與多個業界 and professional skills of the practitioners, the WSD has been working 和教育機構合作,發展培訓和認可資歷, with various industry and educational institutes in developing 並與業界分享實踐經驗。 training and qualifications as well as sharing practical experiences to the industry. 其中一個例子是我們與香港建造學院 One example of enhancing capability of practitioners is our 合作,推出地下水管測漏證書課程,用以 collaboration with the Hong Kong Institute of Construction in 提升從業人員的技術能力。該課程於 developing a certificate course in leak detection on water mains. 二零一九年推出,內容包括理論、實習、 Launched in 2019 and comprising components of theory, practical 撰寫檢查報告和考試,是促進持續專業 training, inspection report writing and examination, the course 發展的重要平台,同時提高香港建築物的 provides a key platform for enabling continuing professional 水管規劃和管理質素。 development while enhancing quality of water mains planning and management in Hong Kong buildings. 提高滲漏探測的專業技能 RAISING PROFESSIONAL SKILLS IN LEAK DETECTION 本證書課程為從事水務和樓宇管理的工作人員而設,教導地下水管測漏的理論知識及提供實習 訓練,填補現時業界缺乏的基礎知識培訓,提升從業員在規劃和管理滲漏維修工程方面的知識。 This Certificate course offers both theoretical knowledge and practical training on leak detection of underground water mains, which is the most common difficulty faced by practitioners and those in the water and building management industries. The course not only helps practitioners build a solid foundation on the subject, but also enriches their knowledge on planning and managing leakage repair works. 香港建造學院建造專業進修院校校長(署任) 趙家信先生 Mr CHIU Ka-shun, Daniel - Principal (Acting), School of Professional Development in Construction of Hong Kong Institute of Construction 32 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management