水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

To further reduce the fresh water consumption, we continue to expand the use of salt water for flushing. The Tung Chung New Town is currently being supplied with fresh water for flushing. We are building a replacement salt water supply system that will be completed in 2023 to supply salt water to the Tung Chung New Town and its extension for flushing. 為進一步降低食水用量,我們繼續擴大 使用海水沖廁的範圍。我們現正為東涌 新市鎮建造海水供應系統,以替換區內 目前使用的淡水沖廁系統。有關工程預計 於二零二三年竣工,供應海水至東涌新 市鎮及其擴展區。 The Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works is being upgraded to 石湖墟污水處理廠目前正進行工程,以 升格為具備三級污水處理水平的淨水 an Effluent Polishing Plant (EPP) with tertiary treatment process. 設 施。工程除了可提升該廠處理來自 This will increase its capacity for treating sewage from Sheung Shui, 上水、粉嶺及周邊發展區污水的能力外, Fanling and adjacent development areas, and allow us to produce 經淨水設施處理的排放水更可用作生產 reclaimed water by further processing the EPP’s treated effluent. 再造水作沖廁及其他非飲用用途。此舉 Using reclaimed water for flushing and other non-potable purposes 不但可節省珍貴的食水資源,還能減少 not only saves our precious fresh water resources, but also reduces 經處理的排放水被排放至受納水體。這個 the amount of treated effluent discharge to the receiving water 再造水供應系統,每年可處理的總水量 bodies. The reclaimed water supply system is capable of processing 高達 2 200 萬立方米,覆蓋約 50 萬人口, a total volume of up to 22 million m 3 per year with a coverage of 因此每年可節省同等分量的食水供應。 about 500 000 people, hence saving an equivalent amount of our fresh water supply each year. 我們已於二零一七年四月開始興建配水庫 In April 2017, we began to construct a service reservoir and lay trunk 及敷設輸水幹管,為上水及粉嶺等新界 water mains to pave the way for the supply of reclaimed water to 東 北部供應再造水做好準備。再造水 the northeast New Territories, including Sheung Shui and Fanling. 生產設施、抽水系統及分配水管等餘下工 The design of the remaining works, including water reclamation 程的設計已大致完成,並計劃於二零二一 facilities, a pumping system and local distribution mains, has been 年五月向立法會財務委員會申請撥款。 substantially completed and we aimed to seek the funding approval 建 造工程計劃於二零二一年第三季度 from the Legislative Council Finance Committee in May 2021. The 動工,並於二零二四年在上水和粉嶺率先 construction works are scheduled to commence in the third quarter 供應再造水,隨後陸續供應新界東北的 of 2021 and the supply of reclaimed water will be first commissioned 新發展區。 in Sheung Shui and Fanling in 2024 to be followed by new development areas in the North-east New Territories progressively. 長遠而言,我們的目標是擴展次階水用於 We aim to expand the network coverage for supplying lower 沖廁和其他非飲用用途的供應網絡覆蓋 grade water from 85% to 90% of Hong Kong’s total population 範圍,由香港總人口的 85% 增加至 90% , for flushing and other non-potable uses in the long run with the 並著重新發展地區和現時使用淡水沖廁的 focus on the new development areas and those areas currently being 地區。 supplied with fresh water for flushing. 海水供應網絡 Salt Water Supply Network 供應再造水 Supply of Reclaimed Water 供應再造水後, The supply of reclaimed water will 每年可節省食水 save fresh water each year 約 about 百萬立方米 million m 3 22 覆蓋約 5 covering about 00 000 人口 people 34 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management