水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

專題故事 Feature Story 提升食水供應的應變力 BUILDING RESILIENCE IN FRESH WATER SUPPLY 海水化淡 Seawater Desalination 為應對氣候變化對本地集水帶來的極端 To cope with the extreme impacts of climate change on the local 影響,我們正發展海水化淡這種策略性 yield, we are developing desalination which is a strategic fresh 的水資源,興建將軍澳海水化淡廠第一 water resource and building the first stage of the Tseung Kwan O 階段,以加強香港食水供應的應變力。 Desalination Plant to strengthen resilience for fresh water supply in Hong Kong. 香港作為沿海城市,海水供應充足,為 As a coastal city, Hong Kong enjoys an abundant supply of seawater 發展海水化淡工程提供了有利的條件。 providing a favourable condition for supplying desalinated water. 將軍澳海水化淡廠第一階段採用先進的 Using the latest reverse osmosis technology, the first stage of the 逆滲透技術,生產的食水符合香港食水 Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant will produce potable water 標準。該廠的年產量為 5 000 萬立方米, in compliance with the “Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards” 未來更可擴展至每年 1 億立方米。 (HKDWS). It will have an annual production capacity of 50 million cubic metres with the provision to double its capacity to 100 million cubic metres per annum in the future. 佔地 8 公頃的海水化淡廠毗鄰大廟灣, Located on an 8-hectare site which is adjacent to Joss House Bay 計劃於二零二三年啟用。我們致力將可 (also known as Tai Mui Wan), the desalination plant is scheduled 持續的環保特色融入於化淡廠的設計、 to be commissioned in 2023. We strive to integrate sustainable 建造和保養工作中,包括採用可再生能源 green features into the design, construction and maintenance of the 和低耗能工序、雨水回收作灌溉用途、 plant. These include the adoption of renewable energies and low- 智慧燈柱、屋頂和牆身的綠化,務求將 energy consumption processes, rainwater harvesting for irrigation, 碳足跡減至最低,並提升能源效益。我們 smart street lighting poles, green roofs and walls to minimise carbon 力求打造頂級的環保基礎設施,使化淡廠 footprint while enhancing energy efficiency. We seek to build 的卓越建築表現獲得「綠建環評」新建 a top-class green infrastructure and achieve the top BEAM Plus 建築鉑金級認證。 New Buildings Platinum accreditation for its outstanding building performance. 在興建過程中,我們響應發展局推行的 In the course of construction, we have incorporated a number of 「建造業 2.0 」,引入多項促進創新、專業 measures to promote innovation, professionalism and revitalisation 化和年輕化的措施。例如,我們使用建築 under the initiative of “Construction 2.0” as advocated by 信息模擬( BIM )技術、可供製造及裝配的 the Development Bureau. For example, we have used Building 設計( DfMA )、組裝合成建築法( MiC )、 Information Modelling (BIM), Design for Manufacture and Assembly 數碼工程監督系統( DWS S )和智慧安全 (DfMA), Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Digital Works 裝置,以提高項目效率及地盤安全。 Supervision System (DWSS) and smart safety devices for enhancing project efficiency as well as improving site safety. 36 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management