水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

食水樣本 Drinking Water Samples 財政年度 Financial Year 食水樣本總數 No. of Drinking Water Samples 2016/17 84 089 2017/18 82 389 2018/19 82 717 2019/20 81 221 2020/21 74 411 註︰ 以上的食水樣本是從濾水廠、配水庫、供水接駁點及公眾可達的用戶水龍頭抽取。 Note: The above drinking water samples were taken at water treatment works, service reservoirs, connection points and publicly accessible consumer taps. 確保東江水水質 Maintaining Dongjiang Water Quality 根據現行的《東江供水協議》,廣東省當局 Under the current Dongjiang Water Supply Agreement, the 致力維持輸港東江水水質符合國家《地表 Guangdong authorities ensure the quality of Dongjiang water 水環境質量標準》( GB 3838 -2002 )第 I I 類 delivered to Hong Kong meets the national standard for Type 水的標準,此標準為適用作生活飲用水的 II water in the “Environmental Quality Standards for Surface 地 表水的最高國家標 準。為防止輸 港 Waters” (GB3838-2002), which is the highest national standard 東江水受到污染,當局更採取了一系列措施 applicable to surface water abstracted for human consumption. A 和工程: series of measures and projects have been adopted to prevent the contamination of Dongjiang water delivered to Hong Kong: 於深圳水庫設立生物硝化站; provision of a bio-nitrification plant at the Shenzhen Reservoir; 興建東深專用輸水管道; construction of dedicated aqueduct from Dongjiang to Shenzhen Reservoir; 進行河流污水分流工程和污染防治; undertaking of river sewage diversion works and pollution prevention; 設立東江流域水量水質監測和控制系統; implementation of the Dongjiang Basin Water Quantity and 以及 Quality Monitoring and Control System; and 完成沙灣河水環境綜合整治工程。 completion of the comprehensive remediation project for the water environment of the Sha Wan River Basin. 相關設施、水塘、濾水廠、配水庫、分配 reception point of Dongjiang water at the Muk Wu Raw Water 系統和用戶水龍頭。本年內共收集及檢測 Pumping Stations, catchment areas and related facilities, impounding 超過 16 萬個樣本。 reservoirs, water treatment works, service reservoirs, distribution systems and consumers’ taps. During the year, more than 160 000 samples were collected and tested. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 39 Water Safety and Reliability 食 水 安 全 及 供 水 可 靠 性