水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

高瞻遠矚 精心打造智慧用水城市 Building a Water-Wise City with Foresight and Dedication 盧國華工程師 太平紳士 水務署署長 Ir LO Kwok-wah, Kelvin, JP Director of Water Supplies 水務署致力推行精明的供水管理,從策略 制定和基建資產管理,以至持份者協作 和客戶服務,利用創新科技以達致最佳 效益,將香港打造成為智慧用水城巿。 The WSD is committed to implementing wise water management, from strategy formulation and infrastructure asset management tostakeholdercollaboration and customer services, with innovation and technology to achieve more with less and build Hong Kong into a water- wise city. Ma 集 nag 賢 em 匯 ent 智 Wise