水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21
優化食水水質監測 Enhancing Drinking Water Quality Monitoring 多年來,我們實施一套食水水質監測計劃, Over the years, we have implemented a drinking water quality 於濾水廠、配水庫、供水接駁點和公眾可 monitoring programme to collect drinking water samples from water 達用戶水龍頭(例如商場、診所、社區設施、 treatment works, service reservoirs, connection points and publicly 運動場、街巿、政府辦事處及屋邨管理處 accessible consumers’ taps (such as those in shopping centres, 等地方的水龍頭)抽取食水樣本,以監測 clinics, community facilities, sports grounds, markets, government 食水水質,並建立全港食水水質數據庫以 offices and estate management offices) to monitor the quality of 檢討香港食水標準。 drinking water and facilitate the creation of a territory-wide database for reviewing the HKDWS. 我們於二零一七年十二月推出「水質監測 In December 2017, we launched the “Enhanced Water Quality 優化計劃」,藉此加強水質監測範圍至用 Monitoring Programme” (“Enhanced Programme”) to strengthen 戶水龍頭,透過隨機抽取處所用戶水龍 our water quality monitoring at consumers’ taps in randomly 頭的食水樣本,檢測可能在內部供水系統 selected premises in Hong Kong, and collect drinking water samples 出現的六種金屬,即銻、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛和 from these drinking taps for testing six metals, namely antimony, 鎳。 cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and nickel that could be present in internal plumbing systems. 我們在接收東江水的木湖抽水站設置 Via our online water quality monitoring system, we monitor the 在線水質監測系統,對東江水水質進行 quality of Dongjiang water round the clock at the Muk Wu Raw 2 4 小時監測。我們亦定期於木湖抽水站 Water Pumping Stations, where the Dongjiang water is received in 抽取東江水樣本作詳細分析,確保供應 Hong Kong. Dongjiang water samples are also collected regularly at 香港的東江水符合 GB3838-2002 中的第 the Muk Wu Raw Water Pumping Stations for conducting detailed I I 類水的國家標準。 analysis to ensure that the Dongjiang water supplied to Hong Kong complies with the national standard for Type II water in the GB3838-2002. 40 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 東江水的平均氨氮及錳水平 Average Ammoniacal Nitrogen and Manganese Levels in Dongjiang Water 單位 Unit 財政年度 Financial Year GB3838-2002 第 II 類標準值 GB3838-2002 Type II Standard Value 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 氨氮 Ammoniacal Nitrogen 毫克/公升 mg/L 0.04 0.03 0.03 ≤ 0.5 錳 Manganese 毫克/公升 mg/L 0.03 0.03 0.02 ≤ 0.1 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability
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