水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21
點滴話你知 DidYouKnow? 政府不時檢討香港食水標準,以確保食水水質和安全。將於 二零二一年四月發布的最新香港食水標準,包含了60個水質 參數。政府亦參考了世界衞生組織的指引,在最新的香港食水 標準中,採用了對氯酸鹽和二氯乙酸鹽更嚴格的標準。 The Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards (HKDWS) is reviewed from time to time by the Government to ensure our drinking water quality and safety. In the latest HKDWS to be released in April 2021, 60 parameters are included. With reference to the WHO’s Guidelines, the Government has adopted more stringent standards for chlorate and dichloroacetate in the latest HKDWS. 了解更多 Readmore WSD Annual Report 2020/21 41 Water Safety and Reliability 食 水 安 全 及 供 水 可 靠 性
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