水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21
專題故事 Feature Story 以無人船系統監測水質和取樣 Unmanned surface vessel system deployed in water quality monitoring and sampling 水塘的原水是香港的主要食水來源之一。 Raw water in impounding reservoirs is one of the major drinking 水務署定期監測水塘的水質和抽取樣本, water sources in Hong Kong. The WSD monitors the water quality 以便有效控制下游濾水廠的食水處理過 and collects water samples in impounding reservoirs on a regular 程,確保食水安全。 basis which facilitate effective control of water treatment process at downstream water treatment works to ensure the safety of drinking water. 為提升水塘水質監測,水務署近年引入了 To advance water quality monitoring, the WSD has introduced a new 嶄新的無人船系統,在水塘自動監測水質 unmanned surface vessel (USV) system in recent years to perform 和取樣,透過採用創新科技,提升緊急狀 automatic water quality monitoring and sampling in impounding 況應變能力和運作效率。 reservoirs, boosting emergency responsiveness and operational efficiency through the adoption of innovation and technology. 擁抱創新,提升水質監測表現 EMBRACING INNOVATION FOR RAISING WATER QUALITY MONITORING PERFORMANCE 為提升效率和緊急狀況應變能力,無人船船隊在船灣淡水湖 執行自動水質監測和取樣。 The USV fleet performs automatic water quality monitoring and sampling at the Plover Cove Reservoir enhancing efficiency and emergency response. 無人船收集溫度、導電率、混濁度、溶解氧、 酸鹼值、葉綠素 -a 、藍綠藻等數據,並發送至 基站電腦進行實時分析。 The USV system collects and sends data of temperature, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll-a and blue green algae to the base station computer for real-time analysis. 42 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability
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