水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

水務署水務化驗師 鄧浩維先生 Mr TANG Ho-wai, Waterworks Chemist, WSD 經過船灣淡水湖的成功實踐後,我們計劃將無人船船隊分階段推展至其他 水塘,以提升水質監測的成效。 水務署團隊將繼續嘗試提升系統對實時水質數據的應對能力。例如,當記錄到 較高的葉綠素讀數時,無人船能自動增加監測點的密度,以收集更多數據和 樣本,供實驗室詳細分析藻類的數量和品種。 Leveraging the successful implementation at the Plover Cove Reservoir, we plan to roll out the USV fleet in phases at other impounding reservoirs for enhancing performance of water quality monitoring. The WSD team will continue to make attempts at upgrading the system response capability to real-time water quality data. For example, when a higher chlorophyll reading is recorded, the USVs will automatically respond by increasing the number of monitoring points for more data and sample collection to facilitate detailed analysis on the quantity and species of algae in the laboratory. Scaling up to other locations and applications 擴展到其他地點和應用 無人船系統的優點 Benefits of the USV system 與使用傳統載人船隻監測水質比較,新引 Compared with water quality monitoring by the traditional manned 進的無人船系統具有以下優點: vessels, the newly introduced USV systemhas the following advantages: 更容易調配人手: 無人船可由已受訓的 Ease of deployment: The USVs can be operated by a trained 技術人員操作,而傳統船隻則需由持牌 technician, whereas traditional vessels have to be operated by a 船員駕駛。 licensed vessel operator. 可於淺水運作: 無人船船身較小,能行駛 Shallow water applications: The USVs can travel to relatively 到水塘較狹窄或淺水的區域,擴大監測 narrow or shallow areas in impounding reservoirs due to smaller in 範圍。 size and therefore potential to broaden the areas of monitoring. 製作圖像報告: 無人船糸統可參照水塘 Graphic report generation: The USV system can generate 地形製作水質圖像報告,令工作人員更 water quality graphical reports with reference to the map of 容易判斷水質數據的分布和趨勢。 the impounding reservoirs. This makes it easier for the staff to diagnose the distribution and trends of water quality data. 應變行動: 無人船系統易於調動和運輸, Emergency operation: With ease of deployment and 遇上緊急水質狀況時,如有需要,可以 transportation, the USV system can be deployed at various 調配到不同水塘工作。 impounding reservoirs in the event of water quality emergencies if necessary. 太陽能供電: 無人船由可再生能源供電。 Solar-powered: The USVs are powered by renewable energy. 水務署已在無人船的儲存室外,安裝 The WSD has installed a solar panel system outside the USV 太陽能板發電系統,產生電能供給無人船 storage house for generating electricity to the USVs. 使用。 44 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability