水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

at their premises. 建築物的食水水質可受其內部供水系統的 Numerous factors of a building’s internal plumbing systems 多個因素影響,有機會受到微生物或化學 influence the quality of drinking water and may result in microbial 污染。水務署致力推行建築物水安全計劃, or chemical contamination of drinking water. The WSD is committed 以保障香港建築物的食水水質。 to promoting the implementation of Water Safety Plan for Buildings (WSPB) to safeguard drinking water quality in the buildings in Hong Kong. 我們按照世衞的建議及水務諮詢委員會的 Following the recommendations of the WHO, in consultation with 意見,推出「大廈優質供水認可計劃-食水 the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies, we have launched (管理系統)」。透過這項水質管理獎勵 the “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water 計劃,鼓勵業主和物業管理人,在其處所 (Management System)”, a fresh water quality management cum 實施建築物水安全計劃。 recognition scheme to provide incentives for participation by property owners and management agents to implement the WSPB 水安全計劃 Water Safety Plan 我們採取風險為本和多重屏障的原則, We have taken a risk-based and multiple barrier approach to ensuring 確保食水安全。我們希望透過與各界別 the safety of our drinking water supply. Through the effective 持份者通力合作,有效實施水安全計劃, implementation of Water Safety Plan (WSP), in joint collaboration 從源頭至用戶水龍頭確保食水水質,以 with various stakeholders, we hope to ensure drinking water quality 保障公眾健康。 from source to consumers’ taps for the protection of public health. 自二零零七年起,我們根據世衞在二零零四 Since 2007, we have developed and implemented our WSP based 年推出的《飲用水水質準則》,制訂和實施 on the 2004 Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality from the WHO. 水安全計劃。 食水水質管理系統 Drinking Water Quality Management System 我們於二零一七年檢討了水安全計劃,並 In 2017, we reviewed and enhanced our WSP by developing 參考國際專家的建議及西澳洲的實踐經驗, an integrated Drinking Water Quality Management System 通過健康目標、水質政策、水安全計劃的 (DWQMS) via health-based targets, water quality policy, system 系統評估和監測、監督、溝通、培訓和公眾 assessment and monitoring of WSP, surveillance arrangements, 教育等元素,制定了一套綜合的食水水質 communications, training and public education, in accordance with 管理系統。 the recommendations of international experts as well as overseas practices in Western Australia. 作為持續改進的一部分,我們參考內部和 As part of ongoing improvements, we conduct regular reviews of 第三方審核的結果及建議,加上海外和本地 our practices and operational procedures taking reference from the 水質管理的經驗,定期檢討工作流程和運作 findings and recommendations of internal and third-party audits; as 程序。為提高成效,我們於二零二零年六月 well as overseas and local experiences in water quality management. 更新了食水水質管理系統,其中包括加強 With a view to enhancing its effectiveness, we updated the DWQMS 配水庫翻新工程的風險評估。 in June 2020with, among others, enhancement in the risk assessment on renovation works of service reservoirs. 建築物水安全計劃 Water Safety Plan for Buildings WSD Annual Report 2020/21 45 Water Safety and Reliability 食 水 安 全 及 供 水 可 靠 性