水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

專題故事 Feature Story 了解更多 Readmore To lead by example, there is a new policy for all Government buildings to implement the WSPB. The WSD is responsible to provide technical assistance to the relevant bureaux/departments in the formulation of the WSPB for their buildings. 政府將以身作則在所有政府大樓實施建 築物水安全計劃。水務署會為該計劃提供 技術支援,協助相關決策局/部門在轄下 建築物制定水安全計劃。 攜手向前邁步,確保建築物水安全 ENABLING JOINT EFFORTS FOR WATER SAFETY IN BUILDINGS 要全面實施建築物水安全計劃,有賴業主 和物業管理人的齊心協力、財政資源配 合、對建築物內部供水系統的認識,以及 向公眾教育和宣傳。 為鼓勵採用建築物水安全計劃,行政長官 於二零一九年施政報告中宣布,推出「水 安全計劃資助計劃」,為合資格的私人 樓宇業主或物業管理人,提供財政資助以 實施建築物水安全計劃,進一步保障食水 安全。 計劃獲撥款 4 億 4 千萬港元,於五年內資助 合資格業主或物業管理人進行各項相關 評估和實施控制措施,包括為樓宇內部 供水系統進行水安全風險評估,以及根據 水安全風險評估的建議進行維修工程以 控制水安全風險。計劃自二零二零年七月 起開始接受申請。 為提高公眾對計劃的了解及鼓勵申請, 我們舉辦了一系列的公眾講座和宣傳活 動,以推廣建築物水安全計劃的優點和講 解「水安全計劃資助計劃」的申請程序。 The implementation of Water Safety Plan for Buildings (WSPB) requires long-term coordinated efforts of property owners and management agents, financial resources, technical knowledge of the building’s internal plumbing system, as well as public education and promotion. To encourage the adoption of the WSPB in buildings, the Chief Executive announced the launch of the “Water Safety Plan Subsidy Scheme” (WSPSS) in the 2019 Policy Address providing eligible property owners or management agents of private buildings with financial assistance to initiate the implementation of the WSPB at their premises with a view to further safeguarding the safety of drinking water. A funding HK$440 million has been allocated over five years to subsidise eligible property owners or management agents to carry out various assessment and control measures. These include water safety risk assessment on the internal plumbing system of the building for formulating the WSPB and rectification works for controlling the risk(s) as recommended in the water safety risk assessment. From July 2020, the Scheme began accepting applications. To facilitate public understanding and encourage applications, we have organised a series of public talks and promotional campaigns to promote the benefits of the WSPB and the application procedures of the WSPSS. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 47 Water Safety and Reliability 食 水 安 全 及 供 水 可 靠 性