水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

加強規管水喉物料及使用規定 Enhancing Plumbing Material Control and Commissioning Requirements 為加強內部供水系統的食水安全,自二零一五 Since 2015, more stringent control measures and guidelines on 年起,更為嚴格的水喉物料、設計、建造 plumbing materials, design, construction and commissioning of new 和新啟用供水系統的管制措施和指引已經 plumbing systems have been enforced to strengthen drinking water 執行。 safety in inside service. 水務署設有「一般認可」系統,預先批核符 The WSD has a General Acceptance (GA) system in place to pre- 合《水務設施規例》規定技術要求的水喉產 approve plumbing products in compliance with the technical 品。為加強監察「一般認可」的產品,水務署 requirements set out in the Waterworks Regulations. Apart from 於二零一七年設立監察系統及於二零一八年 setting up the surveillance system in 2017 and the Material Testing 設立物料測試所,亦於二零二零年推出自願 Laboratory in 2018 for enhancing the conformity of GA products, 性參與「《認可水喉產品》銷售商」計劃,讓 the WSD launched a Voluntary GA Product Shop Scheme in 2020 巿民識別在零售巿場可購買的「一般認可」產 to promote accessibility of GA products for the public in the retail 品。這些產品的銷售商,必須為所有「一般 market. In a GA Product Shop, all GA products are affixed with 認可」產品,貼上由水務署簽發的標籤,讓顧 labels issued by the WSD. By scanning the QR code on the label, 客可掃描標籤上的二維碼,查閱有關「一般 customers can retrieve useful information about the GA product 認可」產品的有用資訊,包括原產地、質量保 including its country of origin, quality assurance status, expiry date, 證資料、有效期等。為保障顧客,所有「一般 etc. To provide better customer protection, all official sale receipts 認可」產品的銷售商,發出的正式銷售收 issued by the GA Product Shops for GA products are also imprinted 據上均印有「一般認可」產品的參考編號。 with corresponding GA Reference Numbers. The list of registered 已註冊成為「一般認可」銷售商的商店名單, GA Product Shops can be found in the WSD’s website. Besides, all 已上載於水務署網站。此外,所有已註冊的 registered shops are required to have GA Product Shop Labels affixed 銷售商,都必須在當眼位置貼上「《認可水喉 at prominent locations for convenient identification of the public. 產品》銷售商」標籤,讓市民易於識別。 此外,水務署亦接納持有由獨立認可認證 Plumbing products with product certificates of independent 機構發出的「產品認證」證書的水喉產品。 accredited certification body are also acceptable to the WSD. The 「產品認證」透過上游控制和持續監察工 benefits of product certification are to promote industrial quality 廠生產過程,促使產業質量的提升,從而 through control at the upstream, continuous surveillance of 確保產品品質穩定並符合認可標準。水 production process in factory to ensure consistent production quality 務署於二零一九年推出計劃,免除對持有 and compliance with the recognised standards. In 2019, the WSD 「產品認證」証書的水喉產品的監察要求,以 introduced a scheme to waive surveillance requirements for product 鼓勵更多此類產品加入「一般認可」產品的 certification scheme plumbing products so as to promote inclusion 行列。 of more of these products into the GA portfolio. 法例檢討 Legislative Review 檢討水務法例提升食水安全 Legislative Review for Enhancing Drinking Water Safety 我們繼續全面檢討《水務設施條例》(第 We continued our holistic review of the Waterworks Ordinance 102 章)和《水務設施規例》(第 102A 章),並 (Cap.102) and Waterworks Regulations (Cap.102A) and launched 於二零二零年十一月就有關法例修訂建議, a 90-day public consultation in November 2020 on the proposed 展開為期 90 天的公眾諮詢。其中包括水管 legislative amendments. These include the regulation of plumbing 工程規管、水喉物料管制、飲水罉及飲水機 works, control of plumbing materials, control of drinking water 管制、保障用戶水龍頭供應的食水安全、 dispensers and fountains, safeguarding drinking water safety at 強制性「用水效益標籤計劃」,以及加強 consumers’ taps, mandatory water efficiency labelling scheme, and 對內部水喉滲漏的規管。 enhancing regulatory control of inside service leakage. 48 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability