水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

斜坡維修及鞏固 Slopes Maintenance and Upgrades 我們定期為轄下斜坡進行維修及鞏固工程, We regularly maintain and upgrade the slopes under our purview via 包括打泥釘、加固斜坡表面、在斜坡底部 soil-nailing, stabilisation of slope surface, construction of toe planter 建造矮牆以栽種植物、改善排水系統、栽種 wall, improvement in drainage system, general planting, provision of 一般植被、提供安全通道走廊等,大幅降低 safe access corridor and so forth. These efforts significantly decrease 發生山泥傾瀉的風險,以及減少對公眾、 the risk of slope failure and the corresponding danger it can pose to 水務人員和設施所構成的威脅。 the public, our staff and waterworks installations. 詳細及獨立的水塘視察 Detailed and independent reservoir inspections 鑑於二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情,我們外聘 Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, our external expert advisors from 的海外專家顧問未能到訪香港作實地 overseas could not visit Hong Kong to conduct onsite inspections. 視察。在繼續由內部人員進行視察和風險 While the in-house inspections and risk assessment continue to 評估的同時,我們致力在技術上尋求有效 operate, we sought to explore effective and technically practicable 和可行的安排,使外聘專家顧問的獨立 arrangements to resume independent inspections by them under 視察得以在疫情期間進行。年內,我們安排 epidemic condition. During the year, we made arrangements to 身在海外的專家顧問以遙距方式進行了 enable our advisors to conduct at their home countries 17 remote 17 次水塘視察。我們將在可行的情況下恢 inspections of our reservoirs. Where conditions permit, we would 復海外專家顧問來港作實地視察的安排。 seize opportunity in allowing advisors to inspect in a usual manner. 50 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 在二零二零至二一年度, 我們負責保養約 In 2020/21, we oversee approximately 6 500 幅斜坡 slopes 並為其中 Of these, 進行了預防性維修或鞏固工程 received preventive maintenance or upgrades 幅斜坡 slopes 47 在二零二零至二一年度,我們為水塘及配水庫進行了以下視察: In 2020/21, we conducted the following inspections of our impounding and service reservoirs: 次由外聘專家顧問進行的遙距 獨立視察 remote independent inspections conducted by external expert advisors 次由水務署人員進行的詳細視察 detailed inspections conducted by internal staff 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability 84 17