水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

採用可持續建築設計的沙田濾水廠原地重置工程(南廠) 項目將增強供水可靠性。 In-Situ Reprovisioning of Sha Tin Water Treatment Works (South Works), with sustainable building design features, will enhance water supply reliability. To cope with North Lantau's future development, it is required to construct Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works extension to double its current water treatment capacity. Construction works are anticipated to commence in the first quarter of 2022 for completion in 2028. Starting from the design stage, we have adopted the BIM extensively in this project. As part of our commitment to sustainable development, our goal is to achieve the top BEAM Plus New Buildings Platinum accreditation for its building performance for this project. 為滿足北大嶼山將來的發展需要,我們 必須擴建小蠔灣濾水廠,將其濾水量倍增。 工程預計於二零二二年第一季度展開,並 於二零二八年完成。此項目從設計階段已 廣泛採用 BIM 技術。作為我們對可持續發展 承諾的一部分,我們的目標是憑藉此項目 的建築表現,獲取「綠建環評」新建建築 最高級別的鉑金評級。 小蠔灣濾水廠擴展工程 Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension 為提高生產力、促進地盤安全和增強環保 To improve productivity, promote site safety and enhance 表現,項目採用了創新的施工方法和技術, environmental performance, the project incorporates innovative 當中包括 B I M 、 D W S S 和 M i C 等。特別 construction methods and technology, including BIM, DWSS and 一提, B IM 增強了項目的設計、施工和工程 MiC. In particular, BIM enhances the design, construction and 管理,並藉著提供立體模擬環境及可分享 project management, and enables all parties to visualise what is 數據的高效數碼單一工作平台,令將興建的 to be built in a simulated 3D environment to identify any potential 各部分呈現在參與者的眼前,讓他們識別到 design clashes, construction or operational issues via an efficient 潛藏的設計不協調、施工或運作問題。竣工 single digital working platform for relevant modelling works and 後, BIM 模型所包含的竣工資產資料,將用 data sharing. After completion, the asset information contained in 於設施管理(包括運作和安排維修保養), the as-built BIM models would be used for facility management 以優化成本及效率。 including operation and scheduling of future maintenance which optimise cost and efficiency. 項目已採用可持續建築設計,冀以卓越建築 Sustainable building design features has been adopted throughout 表現,獲取「綠建環評」新建建築最高級別 the project with a view to achieving the top BEAM Plus New Buildings 的鉑金評級。 Platinum accreditation for its outstanding building performance. 從2028年起, 每日濾水量將由 From 2028, the daily water treatment capacity will be doubled from 150 000 立方米 m 3 倍增至 to 300 000 立方米 m 3 52 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability