水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure a reliable and flexible supply of Dongjiang water, we commenced a project to replace the aged glass reinforced plastic section of the P4 Dongjiang water mains in September 2020. Throughout the design and construction stage, we have adopted the BIM technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of this project. 為了持續地確保東江水供應的可靠性及 靈活性,我們已於二零二零年九月展開 工程,更換東江水 P 4 水管已老化的玻璃 纖維強化塑膠管部分。 在設計和建造階段,我們採用 B I M 技術, 提高此工程的質素及效率。 To meet the growth in water demand arising from the planned developments in the Northwest New Territories, including Yuen Long South, the Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen, Wang Chau, Tan Kwai Tsuen and Long Bin, we will extend the Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works to increase its daily water treatment capacity to 440 000 m 3 . We have engaged consultants to carry out investigation works for the extension project. 為應付新界西北部(包括元朗南、洪水橋 / 廈村、橫洲、丹桂村及朗邊)發展計劃所 帶來的用水需求增長,我們計劃擴建牛潭尾 濾水廠,增加其每日濾水量至 44 萬立方米。 我們已聘請顧問為擴建項目進行勘查研究 工作。 配合新發展區的供水 Facilitating Water Supply in New Development Areas 東江水水管改善工程 Dongjiang Water Main Improvements 透過無人機攝影測量法獲取的點雲記錄 Point cloud records taken by unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 53 牛潭尾濾水廠的每日濾水量將由 The daily water treatment capacity of Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works will extend from 以滿足與日俱增的食水需求。 to meet increasing fresh water demand. 230 000 立方米 m 3 440 000 立方米 m 3 增至 to Water Safety and Reliability 食 水 安 全 及 供 水 可 靠 性