水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Online monitoring instruments and wireless data transmitters are important tools for the management of a modern water supply network. We are installing in-line hydropower harnessing devices (IHHD) in some of the District Metering Areas (DMAs) that we are establishing under the Water Intelligent Network (WIN) to power sensing and monitoring equipment and data transmission devices. We have procured 20 sets of IHHD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, funded by the Innovation and Technology Bureau’s TechConnect Block Vote, and have deployed four IHHD sets to the WIN sites as a trial with promising performance. 在線監測儀器和無線數據傳輸器是管理 現代供水網絡的重要工具。我們正著手於 在「智管網」的部分監測區域安裝內聯閉式 水力發電裝置,為感應及監測設備和數據 傳輸裝置提供電力。在創新及科技局的 科技統籌(整體撥款)計劃資助下,我們 已從香港理工大學採購了 20 套內聯閉式 水力發電裝置,其中四套已於「智管網」的 站點試行,表現令人滿意。 內聯閉式水力發電裝置 In-line Hydropower Harnessing Devices 點滴話你知 DidYouKnow? 屯門水力發電廠不單是香港獨有的創舉,更是全球首個在濾水廠興建的500千瓦水力發電 設施。系統每年發電約3千兆瓦時,相當於每年可減少約2 000 噸二氧化碳排放。 First of its kind in Hong Kong, the hydropower plant at Tuen Mun is a pioneer in the world to construct 500kW hydropower facilities at a water treatment works. The hydropower system can generate up to about 3 GWh of electricity annually (equivalent to the potential reduction of about 2 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year). 內聯閉式水力發電裝置,為「智管網」的監測和數據傳輸設備提供電力,以達至實現遙距監測的目標。 In-line hydropower harnessing devices provide power supply to the monitoring and data transmission equipment of the Water Intelligent Network for real-time remote monitoring purposes. 58 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報