水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

減低環境影響 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION 現場生產氯氣 On-site Chlorine Generation 我們繼續為十間主要濾水廠升級消毒設 We continue to upgrade the disinfection facilities of 10 of our major 施,並預計於二零二一年底起陸續完成。 Water Treatment Works, which will be completed progressively from 完成後,現場氯氣生產設施將投入使用, end 2021. Upon completion, the on-site chlorine generation facilities 因而避免運輸及儲存液態氯氣過程中洩漏 will be commissioned, therefore eliminating the risks of chlorine 氯氣的風險。 leakage during the transportation and storage of liquid chlorine. 減低建造工程的影響 Minimising Construction Impacts 我們的設計及建設科竭力於水務工程中的 Our New Works Branch strives to minimise the environmental 規劃、設計及建造等各個環節,盡量降低 impacts arising from our waterworks construction throughout the 工程對環境造成的影響。每年,我們均會 planning, design and construction processes. Each year, we establish 參照《 ISO14001:2015 環境管理體系》認 new objectives and targets under the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental 證訂立新方向和目標,不斷提升我們在 Management System (EMS) to continually improve our EMS and 環境管理體系及環保方面的表現。 environmental performance. 提高生物多樣性 Enhancing Biodiversity 為確保城市的可持續發展,社會各界需 Concerted efforts across the society to conserving biodiversity is 同心協力保護生物多樣性。水務署響應參 essential to ensuring the city’s sustainable development. The WSD 與由環境局制定的香港首份城市級《生物 has participated in Hong Kong’s first city-level “Biodiversity Strategy 多樣性策略及行動計劃 2016-2021 》,與 and Action Plan 2016-2021” (BSAP) formulated by the Environment 其他政府部門攜手合作,力求透過改良 Bureau. Joining hands with other government departments, we are 維修工作的流程及減少相關工作對生態 contributing efforts to enhance conservation of natural streams and 環境的影響,優化天然溪澗和引水道的 catchwaters by improving practices in and minimising ecological 保育。 impacts from our maintenance works. 與環保團體合作 Collaboration with green groups 於灌溉水塘開展多項生 物多樣性試點計劃 Pilot biodiversity initiatives in irrigation reservoirs 在引水道範圍試行多項 野生動物友善措施 Trials of adopting wildlife-friendly measures in catchwater areas 將收集到的部分雨水分 流給東涌河 Trial to discharge part of the local yield to Tung Chung River WSD Annual Report 2020/21 59 Operational Sustainability 可 持 續 運 作