水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

署長的話 Director ' s Statement 於二零二零至二一年度,淨集水量較過去 In 2020/21, we saw a 17% reduction in the net yield compared 二十年的平均值減少 17% ,而人均住宅食 to the average over the previous 20 years while the per capita 水用量卻較二零一九年至二零年度增加約 domestic fresh water consumption increased by about 11% 11% 。面對日益加劇的氣候風險、未來持續 compared to the figure in 2019/20. Ensuring the long-term 增長的人口及經濟、前所未見的二零一九 sustainability, resilience and safety of water supplies is key to the 冠狀病毒病疫情爆發,以及因時而變的客 continuous development of our city amidst a rapidly changing 戶需求,世界正急速改變,香港亦不例外。 world influenced by increasing climate risks, future growing 為支持香港的持續發展,我們必須確保供水 population and economies, unprecedented outbreak of the 長遠的可持續性、應變能力及安全性。 COVID-19 epidemic and evolving customer needs. 水務署致力推行精明的供水管理,從策略 The WSD is committed to implementing wise water management, 制定和基建資產管理,以至持份者協作和 from strategy formulation and infrastructure asset management to 客戶服務,利用創新科技以達致最佳 stakeholder collaboration and customer services, with innovation 效益,將香港打造成為智慧用水城巿。 and technology to achieve more with less and build Hong Kong into a water-wise city. 實踐全面策略 善用食水資源 IMPLEMENTING HOLISTIC STRATEGY FOR WISE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 我們已於二零一九年修訂了「全面水資源 Taken into account the anticipated extreme impacts of climate 管理策略」,將氣候變化預期所帶來的極端 change and the latest water demand and supply projections up to 影響,以至二零四零年用水需求和供應的最 2040, we updated the Total Water Management Strategy in 2019 新推算結果納入考量,並正繼續透過控制食 and continued to press ahead with a two-pronged approach which 水需求增長和利用多元化的水資源提升食水 focuses on containing fresh water demand growth and building 供應應變能力這雙管齊下的方式實踐策略。 resilience in the fresh water supply with diversified water resources. 用水方面,我們必須肩負起精明用水的 It is imperative for us to use fresh water responsibly and wisely for the 責任,確保香港以至與我們共享東江水的 sustainable development of the city, as well as the Guangdong cities 廣東省各城巿得以可持續地發展。為此, that share Dongjiang water with us. To contain fresh water demand 我們採取了三項主要措施控制食水需求 growth, we have advanced three main initiatives: (i) promoting water 增長:(一)透過公眾教育和提高用水效益 conservation through public education and measures on enhancing 的措施推廣節約用水;(二)透過一系列基 water use efficiency; (ii) expanding the use of lower grade water 建項目,擴大使用次階水作非飲用用途, for non-potable purposes through a host of infrastructure projects, 包括向東涌新市鎮及其擴展區供應海水, including the supply of salt water to Tung Chung New Town and its extension, the supply of treated grey water in the Anderson 在安達臣道石礦場發展用地供應經處理的 Road Quarry development site and the supply of reclaimed water in 中水,以及在新界東北地區供應循環再 northeast New Territories; and (iii) managing water losses with the 用水;(三)使用「智管網」及「智能管網 Water Intelligent Network (WIN) and the Water Intelligent Network 管理電腦系統」管理用水流失。 Management System (INMS). 供應方面,我們透過發展海水化淡—一種 On the supply side, we build resilience in our fresh water supply 不受氣候變化影響的策略性水資源,提升 through seawater desalination, a strategic water resource not 食水供應的應變能力。正在興建的將軍澳 susceptible to the impact of climate change. The first stage of the 6 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 署長的話 Director's Statement