水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

在漁農自然護理署的支持下,我們在引 With the support of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation 水道範圍試行多項野生動物友善措施, Department, we carried out trials of adopting wildlife-friendly 包括於改善工程中增設動物逃生通道和 measures in catchwater areas, including installing animal escape 採用保護生態的物料。我們亦與環保團體 routes and using ecologically friendly materials in our improvement 合作,嘗試將收集到的部分雨水分流給 works. In collaboration with green groups, we have also commenced 下游的大嶼山東涌河,支持其生態研究。 a trial to discharge part of the local yield to Tung Chung River in 試點計劃有助恢復下游淡水生物棲息地, Lantau to support their ecological study. This pilot initiative has 成果令人鼓舞。 demonstrated encouraging results in helping to revitalise freshwater habitats downstream. 為加強於水務設施的生物多樣性,我們 With a view to enhancing biodiversity in waterworks, we are 正與多個環保團體合作,於灌溉水塘開 collaborating with various green groups on various pilot biodiversity 展多項生物多樣性試點計劃。其中包括 initiatives in irrigation reservoirs. These include the ecological 在洪水坑灌溉水塘試行生態浮島和展開 enhancement of Hung Shui Hang Irrigation Reservoir through pilot 生態調查。 ecological floating platforms and an ecological survey. 我們會繼續尋找機遇,配合政府的生物 We will continue seeking opportunities to contribute to government’s 多樣性保育工作和國家生物多樣性策略及 efforts on biodiversity conservation and to China’s national BSAP 行動計劃,同時提高公眾意識及鼓勵社區 while promoting public awareness and community involvement. 參與。 洪水坑灌溉水塘試行生態浮島,以加強生物多樣性。 Pilot ecological floating platform at Hung Shui Hang Irrigation Reservoir in enhancing biodiversity. 60 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報