水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

賦予能力,服務更佳 EMPOWERING OUR PEOPLE TO SERVE BETTER 水務署相信提升員工的知識、技能、安全 At the WSD, we believe the provision of outstanding service starts 和健康水平是提供卓越服務的開端。現今 with empowering our staff with enhanced knowledge, skills, safety 世界中,氣候變化、科技發展或客戶期望均 and wellness. Today, major changes in climate, technology or 瞬息萬變。我們透過傳承知識、鼓勵協作 customer expectations can literally occur in the space of a few hours. 和推動學習文化來迎接及適應轉變,從而 Through fostering knowledge, collaboration and learning culture, 不斷提升服務質素,並讓員工發揮潛能、 we are embracing and adapting to changes more to continuously 成就更多。 enhance our services, as well as enable our staff to flourish and achieve greater success. 我們的員工 Our People 68 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 人員編制 Staff Establishment 初級人員 Junior Staff 一般及共通職系人員 General & Common Grades Staff 督察及技術人員 Inspectorate & Technical Staff 專業人員 Professional Staff 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 649 2 074 379 4 513 1 621 411 411 411 416 418 2 043 371 4 446 1 634 2 048 374 4 467 1 673 2 127 387 4 603 398 2 163 1 688 4 667 財政年度 Financial Year 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 我們的員工 Our People