水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

The world is in constant flux with rapid technological advances, growing populations and economies, and transforming customer expectations. Research from Linkedin has shown that half of today’s most in-demand skills were not even on the list three years ago. There is a need for constant process and service improvement, and an increasing ability to quickly grow and adapt one’s skill set and perspectives. During the year, we have embarked on a new initiative to cultivate and enhance our learning environment with the establishment of a virtual academy “WSD AQUA-DEMY”. Targeted to be launched in September 2021, the Academy seeks to make learning a key part of personal and professional development for our staff and improve knowledge sharing in the workplace with a view to achieving operational excellence and promoting staff engagement. The WSD AQUA-DEMY will provide a structured approach to enhancing learning experiences via three key components: structured curriculum, knowledge sharing programme and a training activity management system. 專題故事 Feature Story 培養知識和學習文化園地—「水務專業學院」 FOSTER KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING CULTURE WITH THE WSD AQUA-DEMY 世界萬變不息。科技發展日新月異、人口 和經濟持續增長,客戶的期望亦不斷 在變。根據領英的研究,當今需求殷切的 技能,逾半於三年前仍未列榜上。因此, 我們有需要不斷優化流程和服務質素, 並提升學習及適應能力,以迅速成長和 調整技能和想法,達致與時並進。 本年度,我們開展了一項全新措施,計劃 透過成立虛擬學院「水務專業學院」, 培養和提升我們學習環境。我們計劃於 二零二一年九月成立此學院,期望學院能 推動學習文化,使其成為員工個人發展和 專業發展的重心,並鼓勵職場知識共享, 實現卓越的運作表現和促進員工參與。 「水務專業學院」分為三個主要部分:系統 化課程、知識共享計劃和培訓活動管理 系統,以有系統的方式提升學習體驗。 系統化課程 為滿足員工不同的學習需要,我們將「水務 專業學院」設計成一套系統化課程,適合 不同專業(「土木」、「機電」和「水質科學」) 和職系(專業和技術)。此外,課程提供三個 學習階梯,分別為「裝備」、「能力提升」和 「職業晉升」,以切合不同階段的專業發展。 Structured Curriculum To address different learning needs of our staff, the WSD AQUA- DEMY is designed with a structured curriculum catered for different disciplines (“civil”, “mechanical and electrical” and “water science”) and grades (professional and technical). In addition, it provides three tiers of learning, namely “Gearing Up”, “Capability Building” and “Career Advancement” to meet different stages of professional development. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 69 職業晉升 Career Advancement 裝備 Gearing Up 能力提升 Capability Building Our People 我 們 的 員 工