水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant under construction will have the production capacity to meet 5% of Hong Kong’s total fresh water consumption upon commissioning by 2023, with the provision to double its capacity in the future. We have been closely monitoring the climate change impacts with a view to bringing forward this expansion timely to further strengthening our climate resilience. ADVANCING PERFORMANCE THROUGH SMART AND GREEN OPERATIONS Leveraging the latest technologies, we pursue smarter utilisation of our resources and infrastructures for enhancing efficiency and sustainability in our operation. We have successfully commissioned an unmanned surface vessel (USV) system in the Plover Cove Reservoir for automatic water quality monitoring and sampling to enhance our efficiency in water quality monitoring and emergency responsiveness. Looking ahead, we plan to enhance the intelligence of the system to enable automatic route planning of the USVs and automatic increase of monitoring points in areas with abnormal data, and extend the applications to other impounding reservoirs. Grasping the opportunity brought by the large water surface of our impounding reservoirs, we are actively developing floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems at impounding reservoirs to harness solar energy. Following the success of the FPV systems at the Shek Pik and Plover Cove reservoirs, we are currently installing a FPV system at the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir and exploring the feasibility of a large-scale floating solar farm at the Plover Cove Reservoir as part of our long-term plan to increase the renewable energy generation capacity for more sustainable operation. Coupled with our achievement of ISO 55001 certification in asset management system, upgrade of ISO 50001 in energy management system, as well as the adoption of “Construction 2.0” in key infrastructure projects, we look further to optimise our performance with more efficient and sustainable operation. Meanwhile, we are carrying out pilots with a view to developing digital twins of our 海水化淡廠第一階段將於二零二三年 啟 用,其產量可滿足香港總食水用量的 5% ,並已預留擴展空間在未來倍增其 產能。我們會一直密切監察氣候變化的 影響,適時推展此擴建工程,以進一步 強化氣候應變能力。 智慧綠色運作 成就卓越表現 透過最新科技,我們力求進一步完善資源 和基礎設施的運用,從而提升運作的效率 及可持續性。 我們成功在船灣淡水湖啟用一套無人船 系統自動監測水質和取樣,從而提升水質 監測的效率和緊急狀況應變能力。展望 未來,我們計劃提升系統的智能,讓無人 船能夠自動規劃航線,以及在錄得異常 讀數的範圍自動增加監測點的密度,並 計劃將無人船應用推展至其他水塘。 香港的水塘擁有龐大的塘面面積。我們 把握此契機積極在水塘開發浮動太陽能板 發電系統收集太陽能。隨著於石壁水塘和 船灣淡水湖安裝的系統取得成功後,我們 現正在大欖涌水塘安裝一組浮動太陽能板 發電系統,並正研究在船灣淡水湖興建 大型浮動太陽能發電場的可行性,以協助 實踐提升可再生能源產能的長遠計劃, 達致更可持續的運作。 通過成功獲得 I SO 55001 資產管理系統 認證、提升 ISO 50001 能源管理系統認證 至最近版本,以及於重點基建項目採用 「建造業 2.0 」,我們期望能憑藉更高效率 且環保的模式不斷優化運作表現。此外, 我們正推行先導計劃,以期為供水系統 石壁水塘的浮動太陽能板發電系統 Floating PV System at Shek Pik Reservoir WSD Annual Report 2020/21 7 Director's Statement 署 長 的 話