水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

A One-Stop Platform for Continuous Improvement The one-stop “Knowledge Management Portal” is our centralised repository featuring a large array of waterworks related information, resources, research, technology trends and best practices in the form of documents and videos, and providing our staff with various engaging tools for easy updates, sharing and access. This knowledge sharing platform enables the learning of new knowledge and skills for enhanced performance; as well as the sharing of experiences and insights to peers and teams for closer collaboration and increased productivity. 一站式平台 推動持續進修 我們的內部知識管理平台「點聚」,集中 存放大量水務相關資訊、學習資源、研究 資料,以及最新科技發展和最佳實務方案 的檔案及影片,為員工提供各種工具,輕易 獲得最新資訊和共享訊息。這個知識共 享平台能協助員工學習新知 識和技能從而提升工作表 現,並透過與同事和團隊 分享工作經驗和見解,促進 緊密合作和提高生產力。 培訓工日 Training Man-days 財政年度 Financial Year 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 培訓工日 Training Man-days 8 483 8 666 5 532* * 在二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情下,面授培訓課程人數受限或長時間暫停。 *In-person training courses were highly restricted or suspended for a prolonged period during the COVID-19 pandemic. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 71 在二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情期間,面授 培訓課程人數受限或長時間暫停。 amidst the COVID-19 epidemic in which in-person training courses were highly restricted or suspended for a prolonged period. * 員工培訓 STAFF TRAINING 5 532 * 二零二零至二一年度,我們提供了 In 2020/21, we provided 個員工培訓工日 Man-days of training Our People 我 們 的 員 工