水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

職業健康及安全 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 我們致力保障員工和工人在職場的健康 We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our staff 和安全,並按需要採取措施提高安全 and workers in the workplace and introducing measures to enhance 標準。 safety standards where needed. 我們定期舉行會議,討論與職業健康和 We hold meetings on a regular basis to discuss matters of concern 安全相關的議題,並舉辦宣傳活動,推廣 relating to occupational health and safety (OSH), and organise 健康和愉快的工作環境。例如,我們簽署 awareness campaigns to promote a healthy and joyful workplace. 了《好心情 @ 健康工作間約章》,並向 For example, we have signed the Charter of Joyful@Healthy 員工宣傳「健康飲食」、「體能活動」和 Workplace and developed communications to promote “Healthy 「心理健康」等健康資訊。 Eating”, “Physical Activity” as well as “Mental Well-being” health messages to our staff. 我們的水務工程合約意外率一直遠低於 We take pride in our consistently low accident rate in our waterworks 政府就工務工程合約規定的上限,對此 projects compared to the Government Limit prescribed for Public 我們感到十分自豪。展望將來,我們將 Works Programme contracts. We are dedicated to lowering the 致力進一步降低意外率。 accident rate even further in future. 服務社區 SERVING THE COMMUNITY 積極保持工作與生活平衡是水務署文化的 At the WSD, maintaining a positive work-life balance is central to 核心。我們鼓勵和支持員工參與體育活動, our culture. We encourage and support staff participation in sports 以及社區和慈善項目。 activities as well as community and charitable causes. 72 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 二零二零至二一年度水務工程合約意外率 Accident Rate in Waterworks Contracts 2020/21 每月平均數 Monthly Average 十二個月移動平均數 12 Months Moving Average 三個月移動平均數 3 Months Moving Average 政府就工務工程合約規定的上限 Government’s Limit Prescribed for Public Works Programme Contracts 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 註︰ 意外率是指每十萬工時的意外數目。政府為工務工程合約規定的意外率為 0.60 ,相等於每年每 1 000 名員工發生 22 宗意外。 Note: The accident rate represents the number of accidents per 100 000 man-hours worked. The Government Limit prescribed for Public Works Programme contracts is an accident rate of 0.60, equivalent to 22 accidents per 1 000 workers per year. 四月 Apr 2020 五月 May 2020 六月 Jun 2020 七月 Jul 2020 八月 Aug 2020 九月 Sep 2020 十月 Oct 2020 十一月 Nov 2020 十二月 Dec 2020 一月 Jan 2021 二月 Feb 2021 三月 Mar 2021 我們的員工 Our People