水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

員工義工服務(時數) Staff Volunteer Service (Man-hours) 財政年度 Financial Year 2016 /17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4 930 4 902 5 217 3 153* 1 000* * 註:鑑於二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情,二零二零年年初起有多項活動被取消。 *Note: A lot of activities were cancelled since early 2020 due to the COVID-19 epidemic. 個慈善活動 charity events 18 名員工和一個項目獲頒義工服務獎 staff and one project recognised with volunteer service awards 4 義工服務時數 volunteer service man-hours 貢獻了 Contributed 1 000 WSD Annual Report 2020/21 73 二零二零至二一年度員工義工服務 Staff Volunteer Service in 2020/21 我 們 的 員 工 水務署義工隊於二零零二年成立,鼓勵員工 The WSD Volunteer Team was established in 2002 to encourage staff 積極參與各項社區和慈善活動,包括探訪 to make active contributions to various community and charitable 和服務弱勢社群、清潔海灘、電話輔導和 causes, ranging from visits and services to vulnerable groups, beach Our People 外展服務支援、籌款等。 cleaning to lifeline and outreach services support, fundraising and so forth. 儘管二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情帶來挑戰, Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 epidemic, our 我們的義工隊對社區的承諾和關懷毫不 Volunteer Team continued our commitment and care for our 間斷,包括探訪長者和殘疾人士、透過互聯 community by conducting visits to the elderly and disabled, providing 網和電話提供服務與支援、協助籌集善款, services and support through the internet or telephone, helping 以及支援政府採取防疫措施,於本年共貢獻 with fundraising, as well as supporting the Government in epidemic 了 1 000 小時的義工服務。 prevention measures. During the year, a total of 1 000 man-hours of volunteer work were contributed. 過去一年,我們的義工隊榮獲多個獎項, During the past year, our Volunteer Team have received a number of 包括: award recognitions including: 我們的義工獲社會福利署推廣義工服務 Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards presented to our volunteers by 督導委員會頒發金、銀、銅三個獎項 the Social Welfare Department's Steering Committee on the Promotion of Volunteer Service 我們的其中一項義工服務項目,榮獲建 One of our volunteer service projects recognised with Gold Award 造業義工獎勵計劃2021頒發金獎 at the Construction Industry Volunteer Award Scheme 2021