水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

建造業議會可持續建築大獎2020: 獎項 Construction Industry Council Sustainable Construction 旨在表揚機構和從業者,尤其是建造業 Award 2020: The Award aims to recognise sustainability best 年輕一代,在可持續發展方面的最佳實務 practices among organisations and practitioners, in particular the 方案。 young generation of the construction industry. 項目 上水、粉嶺和鄰近新發展區的再造水 Project Infrastructures for Supply of Reclaimed Water in Sheung Shui, Fanling and 供應工程 adjoining new development areas 獎項 項目業主(公營機構)類別—銀獎 Award Silver Award in Public Owner (Public Sector) Category 業界從業員類別——年青從業員傑出獎 Outstanding Award of Young Practitioner in Industry Practitioners Category 見習土木工程師蕭濠傑先生 Mr SIU Ho-kit, Civil Engineering Graduate 「再造水供應工程」項目利用 B IM 、無人機、虛擬實景( VR )和擴增實景( AR )等先進技術,提高施工效率。例如,項目團隊使用 AR 技術,不需要開挖道路,亦能確定水管的位置。 The “Infrastructures for Supply of Reclaimed Water” project leverages advanced technologies such as BIM, Drone, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to improve construction efficiency. For example, the use of AR enables the project team to locate water mains without the need of road excavation. 見習土木工程師蕭濠傑先生榮獲業界從業員類別 ——年青從業員傑出獎 Mr SIU Ho-kit, Civil Engineering Graduate, received the Outstanding Award of Young Practitioner in Industry Practitioners Category WSD Annual Report 2020/21 75 Our People 我 們 的 員 工