水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

To offer customers a more convenient and environmentally friendly billing management service, we have launched e-bill service with value-added benefits, such as instantly receiving new bills by email, getting email payment reminders, and viewing water consumption records and payment history for the last two years. As at 31 March 2021, over 135 700 customers have switched to electronic billing. 為了向客戶提供更方便和環保的賬單管理 服務,我們推出了電子賬單服務,提供多項 增值服務,例如即時以電郵接收最新賬單、 繳費提示電郵,以及查閱過去兩年的用水 和繳費記錄等。截至二零二一年三月三十一 日,超過 135 700 名客戶已選用電子賬單。 Our mobile application “WSD Mobile App” provides a useful tool for users to view bill summary, reminders as well as the latest news about the WSD’s initiatives and services. In addition, users can make use of the app to conduct the following: make payments at convenience stores by using the QR code provided without the need to present paper water bills. receive water suspension notices from among 452 sub-districts according to the District Council Election Constituencies. obtain product information of water supply pipes and fittings with general acceptance of the WSD. Through presenting an instant overview of water consumption, we hope to raise customer awareness of using our water wisely and inspire their behaviour changes to achieve resource and cost saving. 「水務署流動應用程式」為用戶提供實用 功能,可用於查閱賬單摘要、催繳通知, 以及有關水務署的計劃和服務的最新資訊。 此外,用戶也可以利用應用程式: 以二維碼於便利店繳付帳單,無須出示 實體水費單。 接收來自452個區議會劃分選區的暫停 供水通告。 獲取水務署「一般認可」水管及配件的 產品資料。 我們期望透過展示用水量的即時摘要,提高 客戶精明用水的意識,從而推動行為改變, 實現節約資源和成本。 多元化的付款方法 Diversified Payment Options 為進一步方便客戶,我們提供更多元化的 To bring greater convenience to customers, we provide diversified 繳費方式,當中包自動轉賬、自動提款機 payment options for water bills. These include autopay, ATM, PPS, 轉賬、繳費靈、轉數快、支票、電話和網上 FPS (Faster Payment System), cheque, phone and internet banking. 繳費。我們將繼續了解客戶需求的變化, We will continue to gauge the emerging needs of our customers for 適時調整安排。 appropriate and timely arrangement. 電子賬單服務 E-Bill Service 水務署流動應用程式 WSD Mobile App 名客戶已選用電子賬單 customers have switched to electronic billing 截至二零二一年三月三十一日, As of 31 March 2021, >135 700 24% (相較二零一九至二零年度) growth compared to 2019/20 增長 WSD Annual Report 2020/21 77 Our Community 我 們 的 社 區