水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

While our target is to accept applications for water supply through electronic channel by end 2023, we have endeavoured to bring this convenience to the plumbing trade and members of the general public as early as practicable. Further to our provision of the electronic submission channel for village-type houses last year, we have extended this service to simple plumbing cases including selected business trades such as food business, barber & beauty shops and laundries, and separate meters since August 2020. In addition, in order to facilitate easy reference for the plumbing trade to identify the latest instructions and guidelines on the requirements on plumbing works and submissions, we have promulgated “Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings” and “Guide to Application for Water Supply” since 2018, and both publications will be reviewed and updated annually. In between two updates, any new policies and guidelines will be promulgated by means of Circular Letters. Moreover, we have established a sharing platform with the trade through quarterly meetings. 儘管我們計劃於二零二三年底,方開始接 受以電子方式申請供水,但我們在可行的 情況下致力推展該計劃,以盡早方便水喉 業界和市民大眾。 繼去年為村屋提供電子遞交申請服務後, 我們由二零二零年八月開始,將此服務 擴展至簡單的水管工程,包括特定行業如 飲食業、理髮店、美容店和洗衣店,及申請 分拆水錶等。 此外,為方便水喉業界查閱有關水管工 程及提交申請的最新指示和指引,我們推 出了《樓宇水管工程技術要求》和《申請 供水指引》,並從二零一八年開始,每年會 檢視和更新這兩份刊物。於更新相隔期間, 所有新政策和指引都將透過通函發布。 此 外,我們亦透過季度會議與業界分享 相關資訊。 提升供水申請服務 Service Enhancement for Applications for Water Supply 78 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 免費下載「水務署流動應用程式」 Download the WSD Mobile App for free iOS 版本 iOS version Android 版本 Android version 我們的社區 Our Community