水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

自動讀錶系統流動應用程式 AMR mobile app 職場知識共享 Fostering knowledge sharing in the workplace 優化貼心服務 完善客戶體驗 ENHANCING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE WITH IMPROVED AND THOUGHTFUL SERVICES 我們致力不斷創新,為逾 300 萬客戶提供 We leave no stone unturned in our continuous efforts in innovating 迅速、高效及以客為本的服務。 for responsive, efficient and customer-oriented service to our three million plus customers. 作為推動香港成為智慧城市的其中一環, As part of advancing Hong Kong into a smart city, we have introduced 我們自二零一八年起於新建公營及私人 wired Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems in new public and 發展項目引入有線自動讀錶系統,以進 private developments since 2018 to further promote water efficiency 一步推廣用水效益和智慧生活。除了改善 and smart living. Besides improving accuracy and efficiency in water 讀錶的準確度和效率,我們期望透過自動 meter readings, we seek to inspire customers’ behaviour changes 讀錶系統的流動應用程式,提供客戶用水 to use water wisely through the provision of water consumption 量的資訊,從而提高客戶節約用水的意 information via our AMR mobile app. With a view to extending the 識並鼓勵他們作出行為上的轉變。為擴展 use to existing premises, we have commissioned a trial of wireless 應用範圍至現有處所,我們在大澳試行 AMR solution in Tai O as our first step to investigate the viability of 無線自動讀錶系統,為研究無線技術在 the wireless technology in Hong Kong context. 香港應用的可行性邁出一步。 為了加強在發生緊急供水暫停事故時與 Striving to enhance customer communications in the event 客戶的溝通,我們正逐步設立一套以地理 of emergency water supply suspension, we are progressively 訊息系統為本的「暫停供水自動通告 developing a geographic information system-based Water 系統」,以協助識別受水管緊急故障影響 Suspension Notification System (WATSUN) which can assist to 的建築物,並主動通知受影響的客戶緊急 identify the buildings affected by emergency failure in water mains 暫停供水。系統的第一階段已於二零二零 and proactively notify affected customers of emergency water 年十二月推出,向大型屋苑管理處發出 supply suspensions. Rolled out in December 2020, the first phase 暫 停食水供應通知。我們計劃於下一 of WATSUN provides fresh water supply suspension notifications to 階段提升系統,將服務延伸至相關的個別 the management offices of large housing estates. Moving forward, 客戶。 we plan to extend such emergency notification service to individual customers in our next phase of system enhancements. 建立「數碼分身」模型作實時監測及情景 water supply system for real-time monitoring and operation scenario 模擬。我們亦正籌建一個由數個先進運作 simulation. We are also planning to establish a network of advanced 管理中心組成的網絡,以進一步掌控運作 operation management centres to further master operation 表現及提升效率。 performance and enhance operation efficiency. 8 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 署長的話 Director's Statement