水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

「齊來慳水十公升2.0」活動 Let’s Save 10L Water 2.0 Campaign To sustain water-cherishing behaviour and effect positive changes in containing the growth of fresh water demand, we leverage both public education campaigns as well as a targeted approach in close collaboration with the local communities to mobilise support and enhance effectiveness. 推廣智慧用水的文化 PROMOTING WATER-WISE CULTURE 為保持市民惜水的習慣,及在控制食水需 求增長方面帶來積極影響,我們透過公眾 教育活動,並以目標為本的方針來與社區 密切合作,務求推動公眾支持,提高活動的 成效。 創新花灑頭設計比賽 Innovative Water Efficient Showerhead Design Competition 沐浴佔生活用水量的比例甚 高。設計淋浴花灑頭時如能融 入環保功能,可有效減少用水 和能源消耗。是次比賽收到來 自學界和專業組別 150 多份參 賽作品,滙集眾多創新的沐浴 花灑頭設計。優勝作品巡迴展 暫定於二零二二年上半年舉行, 目的是提高公眾對節約用水的 意識,並推廣善用節水器具。 Bathing accounts for a large proportion of domestic water consumption. Integrating eco-friendly features in designing showerheads is effective in reducing both water and energy consumption. Over 150 entries from both academic and professional sections gathering innovative showerhead designs were received in the competition. Roving exhibitions of winning entries are tentatively scheduled for the first half of 2022, which aims to raise public awareness of water conservation and promote the use of water-saving devices. 「齊來慳水十公升 2.0 」活動的目標,是向不同界別推廣惜水文化,並鼓勵社區將每日 節省最少 10 公升用水量。活動包括「為私人屋苑和私立學校免費安裝節流器」、 「創新節水花灑頭設計比賽」、「挑戰沖涼 4 分鐘」、「慳水比賽」等一系列活動。其中, 「挑戰沖涼 4 分鐘」和「慳水比賽」分別暫定於二零二一年中和二零二二年初舉行。 這些活動旨在培養節約用水的習慣,並呼籲全民承諾珍惜水資源。 The “Let’s Save 10L Water 2.0” Campaign is designed to promote water-cherishing culture to all walks of life and encourage the community to reduce daily water consumption by 10 litres or more. It consists of a series of activities including the “Free installation of flow controllers at private housing estates and private schools”, “Innovative Water Efficient Showerhead Design Competition”, the “4-minute Shower Challenge” and the “Water Saving Competition”, of which the latter two initiatives are tentatively scheduled in mid-2021 and early 2022 respectively. These initiatives seek to cultivate water-saving habits and call for collective commitment in cherishing water. 80 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 我們的社區 Our Community